Matthia Winter-Karreman

Matthia Karreman, PhD, developed a love for microscopy during graduate studies at Utrecht Univesity in the Netherlands. Here, and during a traineeship in Birkbeck College (London), she learned more about various electron microscopy techniques. She stayed at Utrecht University for her PhD research, where she worked with the novel integrated laser and electron microscope (iLEM). The iLEM combines a fluorescence microscope and a transmission electron microscope in a single set-up, and is now commercially available as the iCorr. During this project, she worked on applications of this unique imaging tool in both life and material science. Following obtaining her PhD in December 2012, she moved to Germany to start working as a post-doctoral fellow at the EMBL Heidelberg in the laboratory of Dr. Yannick Schwab. The goal of the Schwab Team is to develop new, more facile approaches for correlative microscopy in order to make this powerful technique more available to the scientific community.